Providing Direct Assistance to Shelters
Shelters provide an invaluable service in protecting, nourishing, educating, and rehabilitating children from the street. Love At Work facilitates several shelters in Mexico and Colombia with financial and practical assistance, including dental volunteers, interns, and material donations. Our goal is to expand our services to other shelters in Latin America. Through partnerships and collaboration we seek to implement best practices in the field of child advocacy. Volunteers mentor and inspire the kids, who are hungry for love and acceptance. As positive role-models their humanitarian leadership is invaluable.
Preventive Education & Peer Mentoring
Arnulfo “Rufo” Reyes is a Professor of Pedagogy (Education) in Mexico City who created a revolutionary approach to rescuing children from crime and generational poverty. At the La Cuesta squatter camp outside Mexico City up to 100 adolescents live in shacks made from shipping pallets. The community lacks running water, electricity, and other services. Most of the kids are raised by single mothers who earn very little. It is this sort of environment that breeds despair and hopelessness that so often force kids into crime and gangs. Dr. Reyes’ Camion Proeduca program delivers hope in the form of life skill training, community development, health services, entertainment, and recreational therapy that bond the kids together. They learn to care for each other as family and to devote limited resources to communal well-being. They are given the keys for breaking the cycle of poverty. The program can be replicated in many other homeless communities. “Rufo” built a soup kitchen and a recreational area for the kids. The cost-benefit ratio of his program is about one to ten. It makes sense to rescue kids before they are incarcerated.
Research & Public Activism
Knowledge is power in helping at-risk children. There are a hundred million street kids worldwide, with forty million in Latin America. The factors that contribute to child abuse, exploitation, and abandonment are complex. They deserve serious attention. Rescuing destitute children requires applied love and understanding. Children are incredibly resilient, but they need guidance, support, and opportunity, otherwise they are vulnerable to molestation, gang activity, and other negative influences. Street kids need positive role models to provide moral guidance. Education is their passport out of poverty. Citizens need to be educated about the conditions that produce street children. They need to be involved in social outreach projects that give all children the help they need to escape from poverty.
Unfortunately, ignorance and indifference prevent most people from taking a more active role in alleviating the suffering of destitute children. We believe that great things happen when people unite behind a good cause. It takes so little to do so much good. Needed are individuals who care deeply about street kids and other victimized children. Needed are advocates who are more than casually interested in the needs of others. Everybody has something to give: TIME, TALENT, or TREASURE. If you have the time to spread this message, or the willingness to come on a service mission, then it is a very worthwhile contribution. Your talents in caring for abused children are invaluable. Student interns are needed at several shelters. And, of course, every dollar given to helping shelters or sponsoring a STREET LIGHT goes a long, long ways.